Sunday, January 16, 2011

Floods, Deaths in Sri Lanka, Brazil, Australia and The Philippines

The year is just starting but for some the year has just ended. Deaths have been reported in different parts of the world due to flooding and landslide. La NiƱa phenomenon, as forecasted last year has been affecting big countries such as Australia, Brazil, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines.

APEC Climate Center forecast from Janauay-March states that the continuous cool condition in the northern part of North America will cause La Nina. The maps below is the result of the simulated precipitation and temperature models conducted by APEC Climate Center.

The map shows that large part of Australia, Asia and South America will receive above normal rainfall. Consequently, as early as now flooding and deaths are reportedly increasing simultaneously in Australia, Brazil, Philippines and Sri Lanka. Below are some links of the recent news updates.

Sri Lanka


