Sunday, January 23, 2011

Wet Summer for the Philippines

If snow hits Europe and America last year (even the subtropical county, Hawaii) and floods during summer in Australia, Philippines will not also skip the changing climatic pattern.

Philippines is known to have only two seasons, dry and wet. But this does not apply this year. PAGASA says that it is going to be a wet summer that may cause tropical cyclones brought by La Nina phenomenon. "This means that we expect to have a rainy summer. We expect to have tropical cyclones," Flaviana Hilario, chief of PAGASA's climatology and agrometeorology division. She said weather models and advisories from various national meteorological centers forecast La Nina to last until May, with the peak occurring in February.

Based on the meteorological model, the country might expect one typhoon in March, two in April and another two in May. These months are considered the driest months in the country. June, the start of the rainy season, is expected to have two to three typhoon, Hilario stated.

The last time the Philippines experienced a severe La Nina was in 1998, after a harsh El Nino year. The same scenario will be repeated this year as the country will receive “above-normal” rainfall. It is advised that local governments and residents in hig-risk areas such as eastern Philippines to be prepared for the fierce typhoons and landslides. Also, the country should prepare for a possible effect of this condition to the agriculture and other infrastructure.